This project is designed to plan for a Resource Clearinghouse for Sustainable Energy Technologies within the Advanced Technology Environment Education Center (ATEEC). The resource clearinghouse is intended to meet the needs of students, educators, and business and industry to supply the sustainable energy field with informed, qualified, and trained technicians through two-year colleges and other educational institutions. The resource clearinghouse includes professional development and support for educators, curriculum and educational materials for grades 10-14, and a collection and dissemination vehicle for sustainable energy resources including best program practices, articulated curricula for 2+2+2 programs, information from NSF ATE centers that develop sustainable energy curricula, and information about working with outside agencies and research institutions.
Intellectual Merit: Evolving and improved instructional methodology and technical advances in the field of sustainable energy require a focused effort to assure that high impact educational practices are understood and utilized. Combining the leadership, knowledge, expertise, and resources of high schools, community colleges, ATE Centers, business and industry, government agencies, national laboratories, and four-year colleges and universities, the 28 partners are well-positioned to conduct the planning, development, and implementation of an NSF Resource Center for Sustainable Energy within the ATEEC Center. While providing for the curriculum and faculty training necessary to provide skilled workers and highly trained technicians, the resource center moves relevant research in workforce needs and advanced technology to the education setting.
Broader Impacts: The field of sustainable energy technologies is evolving and requires the flow of information from education to industry and from industry to education. From hydrogen fuel cells to sustainable building, the field is dynamic. Because of ever-increasing demand for energy use and because energy use impacts the environment in irreversible ways, the field of energy efficiency/renewable energy and sustainable practices are a rapidly growing advanced technology environmental area that requires considerable knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It is one of 12 sectors that is projected to add a substantial number of jobs, have a significant impact on the economy, and impact the growth of other industries. It is being transformed by technology and innovation requiring new skill sets.