The primary goal of the Tennessee Board of Regents Teacher Preparation Partnership (TBRTP Partnership) is to improve the mathematics, science, and technology preparation of future elementary level teachers in Tennessee through a large-scale partnership and systemic change. Seven community colleges (Northeast State Technical Community College, Walters State Community College, Roane State Community College, Cleveland State Community College, Chattanooga State Technical Community College, Motlow State Community College, Pellissippi State Technical Community College) and two four-year universities (East Tennessee State University and Tennessee Technological University) within the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) system have joined together to develop a common core of courses for teachers consisting of an introduction to teaching and technology course and standards-based mathematics and science courses. The common core is providing seamless transfer from community college to university and among institutions. The project supports faculty members in developing research based content and pedagogy for the courses through summer faculty development institutes, communication via a collegial network, and travel to state and national conferences. Through the grant, each institution is developing a resource area to support student learning in the courses. Students are exposed to a number of technologies as they progress through the program. Students also receive encouragement to pursue teaching careers through strengthened future teacher organizations and Praxis I Success Workshops. A teaching and technology course includes early field experiences to help students determine their level of commitment to the teaching profession. In-service teachers participate in sections of some of the courses developed for pre-service teachers. The development of this core of standards-based courses for teachers directly addresses the research evidence that suggests that content knowledge must be the central focus in the preparation of teachers.