The Center for Information Security Education and Research (CISER) at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) is establishing an SFS scholarship program. As a National Security Agency designated Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAE/IAE), AFIT is continuing to make a significant contribution to the production of information assurance (IA) qualified professionals and the SFS program is enhancing this contribution.
Intellectual merit. The AFIT SFS scholarship program includes several unique components. First, AFIT is focusing on both offensive and defensive operations within the area of IA. Second, AFIT is emphasizing both theory and the application of that theory in practice through technical solutions while recognizing the importance of policy and management in IA. Third, the AFIT curriculum and research agenda is focusing on government and DoD computer and network operations. Students are learning state-of-the-art IA technology as well as how to investigate and solve difficult IA problems.
Broader impact. The CISER SFS program graduates are having a broad impact on the formation of a Federal workforce that possesses advanced IA knowledge and problem-solving abilities. The AFIT educational experience is focusing on Federal Government and DoD information systems and is giving them immediately useful knowledge into both best practices as well as vulnerabilities of our information infrastructure.