This project is building information assurance educational capacity through a partnership between Auburn University (AU) and Alabama State University (ASU), an HBCU. Auburn is expanding its information assurance curriculum beyond the current Colleges of Engineering, and Sciences and Mathematics into the College of Business, and into multiple programs at Alabama State University.
Intellectual merit. This project has four objectives: First, the project is increasing the number of information assurance faculty at both AU and ASU through professional development activities. Second, the project is developing, improving, and revising educational materials to make the AU information assurance degree available to students in outside of computer science and engineering. Third, through on-site outreach, the project is assisting ASU in developing a multi-disciplinary information assurance educational program with the ultimate goal of qualifying ASU as a National Security Agency Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education. AU already has such a designation. Fourth, the project is adapting and implementing the US Air Force Academy's information warfare and computer security curriculum for use at both ASU and AU.
Broader impact. This project is yielding multiple and significant impacts to the national information assurance community. The course materials being developed are increasing the accessibility of information assurance education to a broader and more diverse group of students across a variety of disciplines. The partnership between AU and ASU is providing an excellent platform for a diverse group of faculty, industrial experts, and community partners to further their IA knowledge and experience in an interdisciplinary environment.