The project team is working to increase the retention and graduation rates of engineering students via programs aimed at the pre-college, freshman and sophomore years. It is engaging students, faculty, staff and industry participants in creating a collaborative community that is building upon existing programs, activities, and infrastructure to implement a largely sustainable system to improve student retention and graduation in engineering. The project goal is to increase the College's cumulative 6th year graduation rate by 3-4% per year with a six-year goal of 50%. In order to achieve this goal the project is (1) establishing a summer camp to engage pre-freshman in content review and university-life experiences and expectancies; (2) expanding a successful minority engineering program to integrate all incoming engineering students while neither diluting nor spotlighting efforts on behalf of women and underrepresented groups; (3) providing the environment and training necessary to develop mentoring relationships between students, faculty and practicing professional partners; (4) providing opportunities for faculty development and engagement to improve student learning and provide better faculty-student interaction; and (5) establishing mechanisms for effective monitoring and continual improvement. The Associate Dean of Engineering Undergraduates is directing the project with the assistance of a full-time project coordinator and guidance from an active Operations Steering Committee and both Internal and External Advisory Committees. The management of project activities is being guided by a continual improvement program that utilizes robust formative and summative techniques to assess and improve these activities. Project findings are being presented at educational conferences and published in appropriate journals. Broader impacts include a special focus on the participation of underrepresented students without negatively spotlighting them, a fostering of stronger bonds to regional industry, and a sustainable program of activities and significantly enhanced infrastructure that will continue to support the College and University recruitment and retention efforts.