This project is designed to attract and retain academically talented and underrepresented students from low-income and disadvantaged families to achieve degrees in Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics (CSMP) by offering them financial support, academic support, and enrichment opportunities. The program targets promising students enrolled in CSMP and related programs at the college, as well as prospective students recruited through public schools, two-year colleges, and community organizations. Scholars are assigned faculty mentors and receive a wide range of support in academic and career planning, mentoring, counseling, and internships.
Intellectual Merit: The project advances knowledge in CSMP fields by enabling members of underrepresented low-income groups to achieve their educational goals. CSMP fields offer research-rich learning environments, which provide students the opportunity to participate in a variety of ongoing research projects with special opportunities in interdisciplinary research. The university offers excellent academic programs in CSMP disciplines augmented by high quality support services and facilities. Student cohorts create a supportive environment for scholars ensuring their academic success, retention, and timely graduation.
Broader Impact: Advancing discovery and understanding while promoting teaching and learning, college faculty engage CSMP scholars in achieving educational goals needed for success. This program helps minorities, female, and first-generation students in financial need to create a strong and diverse workforce of the 21st century. Local employers provide additional support. Scholars increase diversity in the student population and workforce and serve as role models to members of their communities.