Camden County College is awarding 26 scholarships per year for four years to enhance educational opportunities for low-income, academically talented students pursuing science, computer technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) associate degree programs. Scholars are selected based on potential for academic achievement, financial need, citizenship, full-time enrollment in a STEM program and recommendations from counselors, teachers or community leaders. Program objectives include recruiting underrepresented students and providing academic support services to ensure scholars' successful retention to degree attainment and transfer.
Intellectual merit is evidenced by the qualifications and experience of the PIs, faculty and administration commitment, the range of academic enrichment activities, and collaboration with businesses and community-based organizations. Program components build upon the existing infrastructure for student support services, industry partnerships, and articulation agreements with four-year institutions. Faculty mentoring, academic advisement, monitoring of academic progress, tutoring, supplemental instruction, field trips to local industry sites, career planning, communication and critical thinking skills workshops, cooperative education, and transfer advisement support this learning community approach.
Broader impact is reflected in the collaborative efforts of the various team members to attract underrepresented students into STEM programs and increase their retention, graduation and transfer rates. Presentations at professional meetings disseminate program results. The long-term benefit to society is an increase in the diversity of qualified individuals prepared to meet the workforce needs in high demand STEM fields.