Interdisciplinary (99) The Departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology jointly develop and implement 1) lecture and laboratory materials for a sophomore-level nanoscience curriculum, 2) introductory nanoscience modules appropriate to first-year undergraduate science courses, and 3) a university-high school outreach program directed to educating high school science teachers in nanoscience. This nanoscience curriculum development effort creates a two-course nanoscience sequence as the centerpiece of a minor in nanoscience. This is the intellectual merit of the project. These courses are providing science majors and science education majors with nanoscience and nanotechnology concepts and techniques that increasingly underpin advanced manufacturing. The self-contained nanoscience modules provide nearly every general physics, chemistry and biology undergraduate with at least two nanoscience laboratory experiences. Pre-service secondary science teaching majors also use these modules. The nanoscience courses and the nanoscience minor provide a broad avenue for undergraduate engagement in nanoscience. Science faculty members not directly engaged in the project's curriculum development nevertheless often experience an introduction to nanoscience by way of the first-year laboratory modules. The outreach activities help high school science teachers introduce nanoscience to their classes, thereby providing broader impact.