Life Science Biological (61) This project is bringing research grade fermentation equipment into two new inquiry-based, fermentation science courses to recruit students to science.
Intellectual Merit: An entry-level fermentation course is introducing students to the primary research literature, scientific writing, and laboratory research. First year students are beginning their experimental science research partnered with more senior students in an upper-level course, providing mutual support for student inquiry-driven experiments, rather than prepared and prescribed laboratory exercises. The students participate in a fermentation conference to improve engagement and presentation skills. In an upper-level course, students continue working in small groups to design and complete experiments. The partnerships of first year students with more advanced students are carefully mentored by the instructors. Formative assessment occurs several times during a semester and adjustments are being made as problems emerge. The impact is being evaluated in terms of conceptual understanding and interest in science. Some projects initiated in the upper-level course are being developed into longer term, independent research projects. The impact of different science teaching approaches on epistemological development is also being investigated.
Broader Impacts: The fermentation courses are attracting students who might not otherwise have been interested in taking a laboratory course, thereby recruiting more students to science. The courses can be adapted by other institutions looking to increase their numbers of science majors. While several colleges use brewing as a lure to attract non-majors, most approaches use standard brewing practices to illustrate well-known principles. In contrast, these courses are motivated by serious scientific questions of interest to fermentation scientists to give students the opportunity to participate in real research. The focus changes each time a course is offered. Results will show whether non-science students' views about science change after they perform student-initiated research with science students at the undergraduate level.