This project is developing secondary education programs and a two-year associate degree that will advance industry's use of micro-technology and nanotechnology. To accomplish these goals, the investigators are (1) establishing strategic partnerships to create workforce development programs, (2) developing an associate degree in applied science in nanotechnology, (3) creating seamless career paths from high school programs to two-year and four-year degree programs, and (4) providing professional development opportunities to middle school, high school, and career and technology education faculty to help them integrate micro-technology and nanotechnology concepts into their programs. The program, which is preparing technicians to enter a broad range of jobs in the nanotechnology industry or one of the general scientific instrumentation fields, supports several state-level initiatives. Faculty development opportunities are reaching 450 teachers in middle and secondary schools. The project has strong mechanisms in place for attracting and retaining underrepresented and underprivileged individuals. Knowledge obtained in these efforts is helping to develop a better understanding of the workforce needs of companies in diverse industries as they incorporate nanotechnology and micro-systems technologies. The evaluation effort, which involves both internal and external evaluators, is collecting data on teachers and students from both community colleges and the K-12 system. To disseminate project results, the investigators are posting material on a website, presenting at state and national conferences, and publishing in archived journal. Broader impacts include the dissemination of the instruction, the K-12 partnerships, and the special concentration on underrepresented and underprivileged groups.