An integral part of Earth and Environmental Science education at the undergraduate level is the opportunity for students to explore the natural world through fieldtrips and to make primary observations about geological processes. Web-based virtual fieldtrips to Vesuvius volcano in Italy , Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, and Laki volcano in Iceland are being developed to explore the hazards and impacts of explosive and effusive volcanism. The modules utilize Quicktime Virtual Reality (QTVR) panoramic images, digital video clips, interactive Flash animations, and inquiry-based exercises. The main intellectual objective of the project is to engage students as explorers and observers, enabling them to learn about volcanic processes and hazards, collect virtual field information, and then formulate hypotheses about the effects of explosive volcanic eruptions and the deposits that they produce. The exercises are being tested on a diverse set of users participating in geoscience courses at five academic institutions including the University of Rhode Island, Tulsa University, Southern Indiana University, Community College of Rhode Island and Tallahassee Community College. As a follow-up to the testing, a two-day instructor workshop will be conducted to discuss the evaluation results of course implementation, provide feedback for improvements/refinements of the modules, develop strategies for ease of instructor implementation, and provide suggestions for the development of supplemental lecture material that can accompany the web modules. In the broader context, an important objective is to integrate the findings of previously-funded NSF research projects to the PIs into resources that broaden the science content for diverse educational applications. The modules can be used in a variety of undergraduate geoscience courses such as physical and environmental geology, geologic hazards, igneous petrology and volcanology. The nature of the exercise also allows them to be used outside of a regular undergraduate course for general public education. Potential uses include increasing public awareness of hazards to those living in volcanic area through a program of community education and linkages to website that deal with volcanic hazards.