Biological Sciences (61). This project involves the development of a very flexible educational software package for the teaching of evolution to undergraduates. EvoBeaker is an inquiry-based collection of simulation modules allowing users to design evolutionary simulations and witness evolution in action. Research on student learning and on misconceptions is informing the development and testing of the software tools and the accompanying curricular materials. Several modules are being assessed for their effectiveness, including modules on the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, on genetic drift; on the adaptive significance of sex, and on evolutionary trees. In addition, the software package is being enhanced through the development of: (1) a new interface for creating evolutionary models, (2) interactive graphs, and (3) a complete set of classroom-tested laboratories for an introductory evolutionary biology class. Results of research on evolution misconceptions and on student learning, as well as on the assessment of the effectiveness of various EvoBeaker modules, are being disseminated via journal publications and presentations at meetings. In addition the software and curricular materials are being made available commercially. EvoBeaker is being used in a wide variety of biology courses nationwide, and is helping tens of thousands of students of all levels and abilities achieve a better understanding of evolution and advance the field of biology education. Broader impacts of the project include development of materials for use in high schools and in science museums, as well as international dissemination of the software package.
This project is partially funded by the Division of Biological Infrastructure in the Directorate for Biological Sciences.