This project is developing five educational modules to teach the following numerical methods topics: Partial Differential Equations, Optimization, Fast Fourier Transforms, Differentiation, and Fundamentals of Scientific Computing. Under prior support six additional modules: Nonlinear Equations, Simultaneous Linear Equations, Interpolation, Regression, Integration, and Ordinary Differential Equations were created. The project is developing online audiovisual content for all eleven modules and customizing each module for the following majors: Chemical, Civil, Computer, General, Electrical, Industrial, and Mechanical, and mathematics programs: Maple, Mathcad, Mathematica, and Matlab. Instructional modules are being designed to enhance the student educational experience by including reviews of the prerequisite mathematical background information, demonstrations of the need for and use of numerical solutions through real-life examples, multimedia illustrating the algorithms, and explanations of the advantages, pitfalls, errors, and convergence criteria for the numerical techniques. The impact of the modules on student learning, student satisfaction, and acceptance at each institution is being evaluated using formative and summative evaluation techniques that are quantitative as well as qualitative. Self-sustaining dissemination avenues for project materials are being used which include the application centers for the software packages Maple, Mathcad, Mathematica, and Matlab and a textbook.