The Scholarships for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Technologies program is recruiting and awarding scholarships to students pursuing degrees in mathematics, science, and technology who exhibit academic talent in the discipline and demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to females, racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities. The goals of the program are increase the number of academically talented, low-income students, who enter and persist in programs leading to baccalaureate degree or a career and to decrease the number of science and technology jobs that go unfilled, or are outsourced, in the region each year due to a lack of qualified professionals. Its objectives are to ensure 70% of the participants achieve a grade point average of at least 3.0 and persist through graduation utilizing an array of comprehensive support services and to disseminate program activities that prove successful in increasing the participation of students, especially females, racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities in mathematics, science, and technology careers.
Intellectual Merit: The project is a coordinated and collaborative effort of faculty and staff representing program related academic and administrative departments and an Advisory Council. Project activities include recruitment and selection of academically talented individuals with financial need; development of an Individualized Education and Career Plan by each student; extracurricular activities to deepen participants' knowledge of the subject areas, careers, and/or additional higher education options; and work based learning opportunities to enhance career preparation.
Broader Impact: The project design applies current research and best practices, with progress to be measured by a fully integrated evaluation plan relying on formative and summative methods. Evaluation is facilitating program improvements and assisting staff in identifying successful strategies and variables. Successful strategies are being disseminated throughout the state and region by presentations at conferences and symposia, the project website, and the College's participation in the NSF Midwest Center for Information Technology (MCIT). This project is designed to align with strategic goals for economic development in the region and the state of Iowa by concentrating on developing the science and math literacy of the future workforce. This project, by targeting low-income individuals, women, minorities and individuals with disabilities is broadening the pool of students with access to post secondary education and professional career fields.