The project is providing 30 scholarships each year to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors as well as providing tutorial assistance, faculty mentorship, academic advising, and enrichment activities.
Intellectual Merit: The project is increasing the number of students enrolling in STEM programs. The scholarships encourage students to choose these majors and help to retain them through graduation or transfer. The project incorporates strategies and methods to promote teaching, training, and learning; broaden participation of underrepresented groups; foster integration of research and education; provide opportunities for researchers, educators, and students to engage in joint efforts; infuse education with the excitement of discovery; and enrich education through the diversity of learner perspectives.
Broader Impacts: This project impacts the recipients and the community as a whole through improved education for students in the stated disciplines; increased retention of students to degree achievement; strengthened partnerships between institutions of higher education and related employment sectors; and improved professional development and employment/further higher education placement of participating students.