This project is investigating, developing, and implementing a suite of novel and innovative digital tools to enable researchers and educators to easily document progress, results, and other outcomes of their projects for inclusion in the National STEM Education Digital Library (NSDL). By making use of the semantic web features of the NSDL Data Repository, combined with the wiki, bookmarking, and tagging tools supported and integrated in this project, contributors create context around their research, link it with educational practice, and connect the research to background materials critical to understanding and teaching about it. In addition, the tools allow researchers and educators to add metadata and references to publications, web sites, and other digital resources related to their work (whether created by themselves or others); and more generally, tag and rate digital resources that have value to the STEM education community. By directly serving to engage principal investigators in making their research and education outcomes known through NSDL, this project is amplifying the broader impacts of all projects.