As one of the fastest growing regions in the country, Southwest Florida is faced with many difficulties associated with maintaining the critical balance between providing for an ever growing population and the fragile environment in which that population must live. Edison State College is heavily involved in efforts to raise awareness among building and manufacturing professionals about the need to employ green building materials, design and construction techniques through hosting conferences and symposia. The college is leading by example to promote the use of environmentally sound practices in construction projects in the region by infusing curricula at both the secondary and postsecondary levels with instructional activities that will ensure mastery of green building techniques. Beginning in high school students have the opportunity to learn about the environmental impact of construction practices through college credit courses and summer camps. Through the use of the established associate degree program in Drafting and Design Development, a new curriculum for green construction and manufacturing is being developed. Students are further investigating the regional impact of green building as well as the barriers to the adoption of those building techniques through faculty guided research experiences. As energy conservation becomes a priority for more and more communities, the efforts of Edison State College to create partnerships between industry, government and both secondary and postsecondary institutions can serve as a model for dissemination.