The project develops a next-generation manufacturing curriculum leading to Associate Degrees in Robotic Welding, Laser Cutting, and Advanced Metal Fabrication/Welding. This project addresses a shortage of skilled technicians in those areas by developing a technology rich, two-year curriculum. The curriculum meets Manufacturing Skills Standards Certification (MSSC) and National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) standards. This project builds upon a one-year technical diploma curriculum in Metal Fabrication/Welding, by expanding it into a two-year associate degree and offering MSSC and NIMS certification modules. A multi-state steering committee is assembled comprised of industry experts in curriculum development and manufacturing technology, including representatives from several ATE centers. Steering committee members identified cutting edge technical, academic, and life skill competencies needed to prepare advanced manufacturing technicians for a labor market that requires postsecondary education with MSSC and NIMS certification. To gather this information, the steering committee surveyed regional manufacturers whose work centers on manufacturing robotic systems. The curriculum produced will be disseminated to technical/community colleges nationwide to help effectively educate, train, and certify students in robotically-based advanced manufacturing and welding programs. The curriculum will be in a digital format allowing dissemination through the Worldwide Curriculum Databank, FLATE, and NCME.