This collaborative project between Norfolk State University and Purdue University is conducting a Delphi study as a first step towards creating a concept inventory for laser theory. Concept inventories are typically multiple choice tests that are designed to evaluate whether or not a student has a working knowledge of a fundamental set of concepts in a given discipline. Concept inventories are being developed in many areas of science and engineering in order to better measure and understand student learning. This project is conducting Delphi studies with recognized experts in laser theory in order to determine the appropriate conceptual content for the inventory instrument and to identify common areas of misconception in laser theory. A second and complementary thrust of this project is the development of teaching strategies and interventions to be used in introductory laser theory courses to improve student learning. The course materials and study results are being disseminated through conference presentations and journal publications. The study is being conducted with particular attention to producing an instrument that is valid for diverse students and institutions.