This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
Through this planning grant, steps are being taken to develop the framework for a Master Teaching Fellows program. This project builds on an existing Noyce scholarship program in the Cleveland region. It is anticipated that the Master Teaching Fellows will include many of the same partners from the scholarship program, including several high needs school districts. The planning activities are beginning with a needs assessment survey to determine the level of interest in the region for the program and the expected outcomes. As part of this planning project, a non-profit organization that has the willingness, capacity, and expertise to support the goals of the program is being identified and recruited. The educational curriculum for professional development of master teachers is being designed, drawing on existing courses and structures where appropriate. Other planning activities include identification of sources of university cost share, securing school district support for implementing salary supplements for the Fellows, and defining the roles and responsibilities of all participants.