There is a growing need for developmental materials in mathematics. A team of California community college faculty who have been engaged in redesigning courses in Developmental Mathematics have collected and created hands-on activities with tangible manipulative materials for use by students in lecture and lab settings. These resources are being made available and categorized in ways suited for use by instructors who teach developmental mathematics courses. The Developmental Mathematics Collection and its associated website provide an opportunity to aggregate such resources and make them more widely available. Building on complementary state-wide efforts, the project will build a community of Developmental Mathematics faculty who share resources online with other instructors, for feedback in their formative stage of development and for exchanging knowledge via value-added annotation and review of the suitability of these digital resources for specific course levels in Developmental Mathematics. The site will host a metadata record that catalogs each major element of the collection with the following information: title, URL, description, resource creator, education level and subject keywords. The resources in the collection are searchable by common course labels (e.g., Pre-algebra, Elementary Algebra, Intermediate Algebra), by pedagogical content knowledge at the program, curriculum, course and activity level, and by areas of vocational or personal interest.