The St. Edward's University (SEU) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP): CASAR (Community for Achievement in Science, Academics and Research)-Science Living Learning Community (LLC) Project is increasing the numbers and retention of students, particularly women and underrepresented minorities, in the STEM disciplines through an interdisciplinary academic living learning community comprised of faculty, staff and students that supports the academic success of students as they move into, through and beyond SEU. The LLC students enrich their research skills by working in multicultural teams on scientific projects that include cross-disciplinary laboratory experiences. Students begin with a one-week Freshman Accelerated Research Methods summer program prior to the start of their first academic sessions, followed by a year residing in the CASAR LLC. At the end of the first year, interested CASAR students participate in a summer undergraduate research program on campus, mentored by the faculty. During the second year, the students have the option of continuing in the CASAR-Science LLC. In their junior and senior years, students are encouraged to participate in other existing summer undergraduate research projects both locally and at off-campus sites, and serve as mentors to incoming freshmen and sophomore LLC participants. Faculty are intimately involved at all stages of the program along with support staff, such as academic advisors, residence life personnel, counselors, tutors, and the Office of Graduate Fellowships. As a Hispanic Serving Institution SEU is attracting and retaining traditionally underrepresented students into STEM careers.