Western Washington University's S-STEM scholarship program increases the number of women earning BS or BA degrees in Computer Science or Mathematics and prepares them for employment or further academic study. Enrichment activities include two freshman year seminar courses designed to encourage experimentation and collaboration. The seminar courses provide a broad view of mathematics and computer science and their connections with other disciplines, as well as helping students enhance their academic skills. Intensive advising is available. Monthly meetings for scholarship recipients provide exposure to topics of current interest and allow for unofficial peer mentoring. A student chapter of the Association for Women in Computing offers an opportunity for both social and professional development. Free math and computer science tutoring is available.
Scholarship recipients develop a learning community of scholars via their freshman seminar courses which foster students' abilities to engage in inquiry, develop strategies to solve problems, complete projects, collaborate with peers, and effectively communicate orally and in writing. The program broadens participation by encouraging talented and interested women to consider the study of mathematics and computer science. Scholarship recipients are selected for their leadership qualities and academic potential.