This project pursues five major objectives: 1) Increasing the number of STEM students graduating with associate degrees; 2) Increasing the number of STEM students transferring to baccalaureate institutions; 3) Increasing the diversity of STEM majors, graduates and transfers; 4) Increasing the number of STEM majors progressing successfully through gatekeeper STEM sequences; and 5) Decreasing the average time to associates degrees.
In this project, the faculty members in every STEM department revise their curricula to increase active learning and engagement of students. They also participate in RISE student support services. Existing student services are being enhanced to create a core of services specifically in support of STEM majors. A second tier of more expansive services called "STEP It Up!" is being phased in and tested to determine the impacts on student success. The RISE project is also evaluating its program through a rigorous research design.
This project collaborates externally with local high schools and their parent advisory committee to improve academic preparation for STEM students, to recruit women and underrepresented minority students and to increase STEM career awareness. Internally the project works with the existing on-campus Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program to recruit and retain underrepresented students in STEM. Dissemination of the experimentally validated successes and lessons learned provides broader impact to the education community.