This STEP project is a comprehensive and multi-institutional effort to increase the number of STEM students and graduates in north San Diego County. The project recruits students to Palomar Community College (Palomar) and California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) and facilitates transfer from Palomar to CSUSM. In addition it is providing improvements that are expected to increase the retention of STEM students at both institutions through a set of complementary curricular enhancements. Specific project activities include: (1) initiating focused recruiting efforts via partnerships between CSUSM, Palomar, the active duty and veteran military community, and select local high schools, (2) tailoring and enhancing existing general recruiting efforts at both CSUSM and Palomar to include a focus on STEM recruiting, (3) standardizing transfer services and activities between CSUSM and Palomar by implementing STEM-specific articulation agreements for transfers students, and (4) providing curricular support in STEM gateway courses at Palomar and CSUSM. The creation and enhancement of partnerships between CSUSM and Palomar is a common theme in these activities. These activities are being managed by a dedicated project coordinator and are located in dedicated space at each institution. Project assessment and evaluation is being carried out by the CSUSM National Latino Research Center. Its assessment objectives are to identify the program elements that are most successful in increasing STEM graduates and transfers. Dissemination efforts will involve expanding the partnership model between CSUSM and Palomar to other local community colleges in the San Diego region, and using this approach as a model for other partnerships between California State University campuses and California State community colleges.
The project is employing proven approaches and leveraging existing institutional resources, including expansion of model programs implemented at CSUSM by the PIs. The effectiveness of existing local retention programs is building on broader research findings about how to do this effectively. Both CSUSM and Palomar will institutionalize program activities found to be effective. The major focus on increasing the participation of active duty soldiers, military veterans, and underrepresented minority students is well-matched to the demographics of northern San Diego County.