The California State University at Fullerton (CSUF) project entitled, 'Native American-based Mathematics Materials for Integration into Undergraduate Courses', further develops mathematics materials based in the mathematical traditions of Native American peoples for integration into undergraduate courses at CSUF, Turtle Mountain Community College (TMCC), and other Western States universities and colleges . Building on NSF-DUE Project 0341346, the researchers are:
* further developing and enhancing materials based in mathematics and Native traditions, * continuing the integration of these materials into existing courses at the CSUF, TMCC and other sites, * fostering faculty expertise through classroom-ready lessons and previously utilized instructor-training models, * assessing the materials' effects on student attitude and dispositions toward mathematics by means of an external evaluator, * conducting research in the STEM affective domain, and * making these materials available for dissemination to other undergraduate institutions through both traditional and technology-based means.
Intellectual merit is demonstrated by 1) its original and transformative nature, 2) advancing knowledge of the relationship between Native American culture and mathematics, 3) a partnership of public and Tribal institutions, and 4) a diversely-staffed framework for project development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination.
Broader impacts of the project are demonstrated in part by 1) a partnership which includes full-time university and community college faculty, Tribal colleges, graduate and undergraduate students, Tribal members and Elders, and 2) dissemination through professional meetings and publications, and technology-based means to allow all students to 'Think Indian' and have a fuller appreciation of the diversity of mathematics and Native American intellectual and cultural traditions.