This project is creating teaching materials, implementing new teaching strategies, and developing undergraduate faculty expertise - all in service of preparing prospective secondary and middle school mathematics teachers to use technology effectively in their classrooms. Building on previous work to integrate preservice teachers' learning of mathematics, technology, and pedagogy in the areas of data analysis and probability (DAP) and geometry (GEO), the project investigators are well-situated to develop materials focused on algebra. Tools being used include graphing calculators, computer algebra systems, spreadsheets, dynamic programs for geometry, and dynamic statistical packages. The intellectual merit of this project lies in its recognition that while prospective mathematics teachers may have some experience in K-12 or college-level mathematics courses that employ reform-oriented pedagogy and use technology, such use of technology in their own mathematical learning is often insufficient to understand implications for teaching with these tools. Hence, the investigators are putting into place a systematic program through which preservice teachers can develop an understanding of teaching and learning that goes beyond specific technology tools. Indeed, this model for developing teacher knowledge has the potential to transform preservice teacher programs. The project is exercising broader impacts by intentionally fostering a community of faculty responsible for teaching preservice courses who are helping to test materials and implement the approaches at a variety of different institutions. Moreover, algebraic ideas are found throughout middle and high school mathematics curriculum, and courses in algebra often serve as a gatekeeper for many STEM-related careers. Thus improved algebra learning has downstream payoffs for all students who are pursuing STEM fields of study.