This project is to provide 126 scholarships over a 5-year period for academically-talented, financially-needy students in Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Computer Aided Design and Drafting, and Robotics Technology at Baltimore City Community College (BCCC). The project builds on strong existing student support services at BCCC and develops new interventions such as invited speakers, field trips, peer tutoring, innovative mathematics workshops, engineering/technology competition and family involvement. The project includes a strong evaluation process with feedback loops to ensure continuous improvement. The mathematics-centered advising and workshops should improve mathematics skills and overall program success. Professional development opportunities will also enhance the educational benefit to the students.
The project has strong collaboration and support from local universities and industry, a commitment from industry for internships, and support from political leaders. Project partners include Morgan State University, Capitol College, Carnegie Mellon University, Lockheed Martin, Baltimore Gas & Electric, Amtek Company, and Juxtopia LLC. The demographic data support the project's objective of increasing African American enrollment in the engineering technology related programs. The project's strong advising and mentoring programs and family involvement should contribute to retention and success. The project will contribute to broadening participation of underrepresented groups and producing a highly-qualified workforce in STEM fields.