The National Partnership for Environmental Technology Education (PETE) is assisting Tribal and Pacific Rim Colleges in improving their Environmental Technology programs by providing educational resources and professional development to build an informed and up-to-date environmental 'green' workforce. Under the guidance of a Tribal and Pacific Rim College Steering Committee the project provides 1) one-on-one technical assistance to Tribal and Pacific Rim Colleges, 2) an Indigenous Environmental Fellows Institute each summer for Tribal and Pacific Rim College faculty, as well as a limited number of high schools serving indigenous populations 3) mini-grants to assist with the implementation of curricular projects resulting from the Institutes, and 4) webinars highlighting Fellows' successes. Project outcomes are available to all 35 Tribal Colleges and 3 institutions in the Pacific Rim (U.S. Territories). This project is increasing the STEM skill sets of Tribal and Pacific Rim students by improving STEM faculty skills and enhancing college programs. The project also encourages high school graduates and non-traditional indigenous students to enroll in environmental technology and related natural resource programs to better serve the needs of their local communities. Project activities are evaluated through a culturally sensitive, logic model driven approach. Results are disseminated through an interactive website.