Since its establishment in 2004, Connecticut College of Technology's Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing (COT-RCNGM) has contributed to the development of an advanced manufacturing workforce with a doubling of enrollments in COT programs. The goals of this center involve (1) student recruitment and persistence; (2) faculty development; (3) curriculum development; and (4) articulation and pathway programs.
Intellectual Merit: The center goals are being informed by advice from regional manufacturers, the National Visiting Committee, and experienced faculty. RCNGM staff are implementing four new initiatives. (1) The highly successful statewide Manufacture Your Future Expo is being modified to provide local impact as highly effective Learning Symposiums. These Learning Symposiums, already pilot tested, continue to refine techniques to increase enrollment, particularly among underrepresented students. The new Symposiums use a reconfigurable format that highlights the strengths of individual community colleges where the symposiums are held. (2) Faculty externships that enhance faculty understanding of advanced manufacturing and enable faculty and their corporate sponsor to make presentations at Learning Symposiums as well as provide career guidance to students. Faculty also complete professional development for credentials recognized by industry. (3) RCNGM continues to address the need for a skilled workforce by developing industry driven credit courses, certificates, and options to support local and regional industries. The center continues to respond to workforce needs by the review and implementation of new courses, options and transferable, credit bearing credentials that are delivered in a flexible, accessible platform. (4) A workable dynamic articulation is being enhanced and expanded to new partners. New career pathways continue to incorporate the COT's multiple entry and exit pathways for the completion of credit certificates and degrees.
Broader Impact: The RCNGM achieves broader impact in a variety of ways. RCNGM stakeholders have delivered papers and made presentations at local, regional and national conferences, expositions, and student poster sessions. A robust web site provides a digital avenue for dissemination of the RCNGM's activities, and students and parents are engaged through social media. The RCNGM is now expanding the successful models to community colleges and their industry partners in neighboring New England States. A community college and industry partner have been identified for Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. In addition, the RCNGM is working with these new partners to assess the educational programs offered and their inclusion of national credentials as identified by the National Association of Manufacturer's Manufacturing Certification System. Working with the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE), interstate articulation agreements are being implemented using NEBHE's reduced tuition program, offering New England students the ability to pursue specific program options in neighboring states at their in-state tuition rate. Finally, regional manufacturing summits, professional development activities, and industry forums are being held involving all New England partners. The RCNGM continues to provide leadership for New England and collaborating partners for the establishment of manufacturing programs that prepare the highly skilled workforce that is the foundation of the national economy.