While the computing landscape is currently moving towards mobile computing, the security threats to mobile devices are also growing explosively. The prevalence of mobile devices and the significant increase of threats to their security has not been accompanied by sufficient related educational activities. Though the demand for incorporating mobile security into computing security education is on the increase nationwide, very few courses have been initiated for teaching mobile security, and there is a dearth of well-prepared available learning material providing hands-on experience. To address these national needs, this project is producing innovative mobile security labware to promote the exposure of students to these concerns and to provide them with hands-on real world relevant mobile threat analysis and protection solutions. The labware helps students to know how a mobile threat and its corresponding protections go into effect. The students experience mobile security knowledge with mobile devices and implement protection apps that are workable in practice. The broader impacts of this project are on the improvements of student learning, educational resources, faculty collaboration and development at three academic institutions in the three states Ohio, Georgia and Tennessee, and the influence on faculties in other institutions. The labware can be integrated into many computer and information security courses and will be made public and disseminated in academic community nationwide to benefit a wide range of universities and colleges that have the need for mobile security education.