Many problems in construction management involve complex spatial reasoning in an environment that changes continuously until the project is complete. However, the ability of construction management students to solve these spatial-temporal problems is hampered by their lack of exposure to construction processes on the job-site, and a lack of appropriate pedagogical materials hinders instructors' ability to bring on-site experiences into construction courses. Hence, many students do not develop an understanding of the dynamic, complex spatial constraints (e.g., how construction products are related to one another in a particular contextual space) and the temporal constraints (e.g., the dependencies for coordinating subcontractors' processes).
This project uses Augmented Reality Technology (ART) as an instructional mechanism to incorporate virtual job-site visits through the combination of two layers (the real environment and the computer-generated information). ART enhances the physical, real-world environment through computer-generated sensory input. ART enables students to enhance their perception of the job-site and, more importantly, allows them unlimited access to otherwise limited opportunities to participate in job-site experiences. This research investigates the use of virtual objects and geometric models to enhance the understanding of products within construction processes by boosting a student's spatial and temporal cognition skills. The project is creating instructional modules using ART for to be used within the construction management curriculum on two campuses: The University of Florida and Florida International University. By using control and treatment groups for each module, the project is assessing the effects of using ART on students' spatial-temporal skills as well as their problem solving skills. These skills are being assessed using validated instruments administered by an independent evaluator.