The Arctic is warming more rapidly than elsewhere on Earth, and the community of Utqiagvik, AK, the home of the Inupiat people, has a unique perspective from which they are observing this profound change. This collaboration between the University of Michigan (U-M) and Ilisagvik College, located in Utqiagvik, will support the development of a course-based research experience for undergraduates at Ilisagvik College and will also support basic research on Arctic snow. The project will yield three main products: 1) a significant advance in understanding how students navigate multiple ways of knowing when engaging in science research activities; 2) a culturally responsive curriculum incorporating course-based undergraduate research investigating Arctic snow processes; and 3) Arctic snow physical and chemical composition data. The students and the local community, including Elders, will be involved in the curriculum development, course activities, and data collection related to snow research. The project will yield a greater understanding of how course-based undergraduate research curricula can be best designed to support science learning of diverse students.
Ilisagvik College is the only tribal college in the Alaskan Arctic. This project provides a significant opportunity for students to participate in authentic research. The project will support research opportunities for three undergraduate students at Ilisagvik College, in addition to the participation of about forty-nine undergraduates in the classroom setting. Two Ilisagvik College students will be nominated to participate in the U-M Chemistry Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) summer program and two students will present their research results at the annual Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) or American Chemical Society (ACS) national meetings. The projects will also involve one U-M PhD student who will focus their dissertation on educational research component of the project. The project will involve the Ilisagvik community at every stage and contribute to the incorporation of traditional knowledge in the research. As part of their engagement in the research project, participating students will interview community members and Elders to gain traditional knowledge about snow, including words for various types of snow. Students will sample snow, determine its chemical and physical properties, and correlate these properties to the different types of snow. Students will present their research results to the community and will document feedback to identify future research directions. Snow data will be archived through the NSF Arctic Data Center for future research and educational use by the public and scientific community, including future course offerings at Ilisagvik College. Traditional knowledge documented through the project will be reported to the Alaska Native Knowledge Network. This award is supported by the Division of Undergraduate Education and the Office of Polar Programs.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.