In the area of Animal Physiology, fundamental research tools are a computer-recorder system and a storage oscilloscope for monitoring physiological functions and changes. In Animal Behavior and Ornithology a storage oscilloscope has become the standard tool for displaying and analyzing an array of animal vocalizations. In both areas there are many experiments that help to elucidate important concepts that cannot be done without these instruments. The purchases made possible through this grant are enlarging this Department's capacity to train undergraduates in these areas. The importance of these additions stems from the fact that, over recent years, research in Physiology and Animal Behavior has become increasingly dependent on high-technology equipment. As usage of this type of equipment has become a matter of course in research laboratories, it has become essential for instructional purposes as well. Students must be introduced to equipment that is used routinely to gather data if they are to become familiar with and eventually to evaluate concepts developed as a result of that experimentation. Likewise, their potential as research scientists is enhanced by a working familiarity with the methodologies that are used widely in current research.