This project will develop a model approach for the preparation of prospective elementary teachers. The goal of the program will be to have these elementary teachers finish their four years of college possessing integrated knowledge about mathematics and science, innovative teaching skills in mathematics and science, and self- confidence and positive attitudes towards mathematics and science. To achieve this goal the program proposes to integrate all preservice components -- Content courses, methods of teaching courses, education courses, and early, sustained field experiences. The special behaviors and skills (problem solving, modeling, "hands-on" activities) prerequisite for teaching elementary science and mathematics will be stressed. In addition, special instruction strategies (laboratories, discussions, and visual-spatial activities) especially appropriate for groups underrepresented in the scientific/technological fields (women, minorities, handicapped) will be addressed by the comprehensive nature of the project. It is anticipated that the proposed model will be widely disseminated due to the modular nature of many of the materials, the large numbers of elementary teachers prepared at the university, and the project's close association with new elementary science and mathematics curricular projects.