In a one year planning grant, Iowa State University mathematicians will revise the engineering calculus sequence by incorporating modelling and symbolic/graphical/numerical software into the curriculum. The planning will be done by a committee of faculty from engineering, physical and mathematical sciences. A calculus network of high school community college and college/university will be established. Iowa State is similar to many mathematics departments at large state universities in that over 90% of the calculus students are from the client disciplines. The project will initiate change in a deliberate and timely manner with concurrence by the client departments. In the spring of 1989, one fourth of the first semester calculus courses will be taught under the revised curriculum. This course will require a small amount of programming, and will stress algorithms and sharply focused real applications. During the summer of 1989, the second and third semesters of calculus will be revised within the same mathematical framework. Iowa State University is cost sharing with funding of in-kind services and indirect cost reduction worth $52,535.