Portable equipment and other relatively inexpensive devices can be used to stimulate student interest in astronomy provided that the instructor has the appropriate background. This workshop is particularly for faculty who teach introductory astronomy courses but who have had limited professional training in the field. These instructors, at both 2- and 4- year colleges will participate in a two-week workshop involving various activities that illustrate the methods of astronomy and that will enhance undergraduate teaching programs. Through the Center for Science and Mathematics Teaching, new technologies will be introduced, while in other daily sessions participants will be actively involved in the type of exercises they might use with their students. Two field trips are planned: to introduce participants to certain aspects of radio astronomy; and, at night, as a follow-up to a session on astrophotography. In four evenings scientists at Tufts will discuss their current research in relevant fields. In addition to the NSF funds, participants will contribute about 10% in travel expenses toward the cost of operation of the project.