Two applied mathematics workshops are being offered for college faculty. The five-day workshops are being held in the Summer of 1989 at Salisbury State University and are sponsored by the MD-DC-VA Section of the Mathematical Association of America. The primary population will be members of the section and members from contiguous states. The emerging symbiosis of mathematics and microcomputers is being emphasized, with the goal of the workshop to provide effective applications for the classroom. The first workshop on Chaos theory is being given by Celso Grebogi of the University of Maryland Lab for Plasma Physics. Chaos is a field with conceptual and technical contributions that should be in everyone's applied math kit. It makes natural and powerful use of computers. The second workshop on Decision Making, is being given by T. L. Saaty of the University of Pittsburgh. His Analytic Hierarchy Process is applicable to complex systems, especially in the behavioral and social science fields. Moreover, an expert system is available that has been designed to implement AHP and to run on a microcomputer. The institution is contributing additional support for the program and the participant's institutions will also provide support.