A group of college faculty is meeting together for a three week intensive workshop in which they are exploring matrix theory as it is applied to a variety of topics. The mornings are being devoted to lectures by the main speakers and the afternoons to group discussions, problem solving periods, participant talks, classroom ramifications and the use of computer facilities in support of the topic. The workshop content is in the general area of modern applied algebra, focussing primarily, but not entirely, upon ideas from matrix theory and combinatorial methods. Many of the ideas are useful concepts from advanced matrix theory, not often found in any course, or very seldom combined together in a unified course. The faculty participants will be requested to submit a report indicating how these ideas were incorporated into, or affected, the courses and/or research during the 1989-90 academic year. A follow-up session reporting on the results will be held at the national MAA/AMS meeting in 1990. The project is also being supported by the Division of Mathematical Sciences. In addition the faculty participants in the project are receiving support from their home institutions.