This project is directed at the re-structuring of an undergraduate course sequence in electronics. The objective of this work is to integrate modern computer-based data acquisition and analysis techniques into both laboratory and lecture components. The audience for this three quarter sequence is drawn from physics majors, students majoring in other sciences or mathematics, as well as students preparing to teach physical sciences at the high school level. The goal is to introduce into the laboratory portion of the course current generation computers, data acquisition hardware, and integrated software to acquaint students with modern techniques of data collection, analysis and display. This will employ personal-computer- based workstations and software with extensive acquisition and analysis features. The lecture portion of the course will undergo modifications to reflect the increased presence of computer-based data analysis in laboratory environments. As a result, it is expected that the students will be better prepared to pursue their objectives after graduation, whether in industrial employment, graduate school or teaching. The college will match the award with an equal amount of funds.