The objective of this project is to introduce quantitative chemical analysis into the undergraduate geology curriculum at an early stage, and where chemical data collection and interpretation can significantly improve student understanding of geologic material and processes. There will be a logical sequence of analytical exercises of increasing sophistication as the students proceed through the course. They start with analysis of simple materials (minerals-in-Mineralogy) concentrating on major elements, proceed to more complex systems (rocks - in Petrology), and continue with trace elements and isotopic analysis in Geochemistry, where students also investigate geochemical modeling. The essential item necessary for this program is an analytical tool which is versatile, robust, and straight-forward in operation-an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (ICPQMS) which has these characteristics. This instrument will be used for major and trace element to courses in mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry, the ICPQMS will be used in undergraduate research projects by geology majors at Union, geology students form other institutions (from our PEW cluster and others), and by students from other departments (Civil Engineering, Chemistry, and Biology). The college will contribute an amount equal to 330% of the award toward the purchase of the equipment.