Recent disasters in the chemical processing industries have made the public, government agencies, and the press acutely aware of something safety professionals have long known: there is a potential for large- scale loss of life, property destruction, and environmental damage from uncontrolled releases of toxic or flammable materials. This project is increasing the level of safety, health and loss prevention awareness in the undergraduate curriculum through three mechanisms: (1) developing instructional units that are short, stand alone and can be integrated into current curricula as a part of regular course study, (2) developing instructional modules that integrate an entire subset of safety, health and loss prevention principals into a coherent package, and (3) offering short courses and seminars for training faculty and bringing the materials to the attention of educators. The materials being developed are being reviewed by the Undergraduate Curriculum Development Committee of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers' Center for Chemical Process safety. The grantee institution is contributing significant funds to this award.