In an investigative laboratory format, students design their own experiments rather than following directions in a laboratory manual. This format has been widely recommended for stimulating the development of scientific thought, but it is difficult to implement. A workshop of undergraduate faculty in biology is considering the approach used at Clemson for solving many of these problems. The format consists of student performance of two wetlab experiments, work with a computer simulation called FISHFARM, and extensive instructor-student consultation. The wetlab experiments are performed with the aid of videotape "methods modules" which show the use of laboratory techniques and have associated materials lists. FISHFARM simulates the biology and economics of a commercial aquaculture operation. The students must design a coherent series of experiments to determine the economically optimum culturing conditions for a new fish hybrid. The maximization of profit and competition between teams heightens student interest. The faculty participants in the workshop are learning the techniques developed as well as developing a network for follow-up over the next two years.