A one-year sequence of laboratory and field experiences in hydrogeology is being developed with the aid of new laboratory, field, and computing equipment. An integrated experience is being developed in which students use a piece of field or laboratory equipment to collect data. They are then given a data set from a hazardous waste site and asked to interpret these data. Computers are used to store and process the data and to model the waste site. Exercises include grain size analysis of sediments, interpreting gamma logs and geologists' logs to make geological cross-sections, measurements of water levels and construction of water table maps and well hydrographs, performance of slug tests and analysis of results, aquifer test analysis, collection of water samples from wells and construction of contaminant distribution plumes, stream gauging, conducting and interpreting results of electromagnetic surveys, and development of computer models from ground water flow, contaminant transport and capture zone analysis. The final project is the preparation of a report summarizing the year's work. The university will contribute an amount equal to the award.