This project was designed to introduce the use of the Fourier transform infrared technique into all levels of the chemistry program at the institution . Through the project, a Fourier transform Infrared Spectrometer was purchased and is used for the identification, analysis, kinetics, and the teaching of molecular dynamics. The system introduces students to the use of computer integrated instrumentation, database searching, and computer- assisted data manipulation. A number of new experiments have been included in junior and senior level laboratory courses. FTIR has improved the content of laboratory courses in General Chemistry as well as in Organic, Analytical, Physical, and Biochemistry. It has made possible the integration of Physical Chemistry with Instrumental Analysis. In addition, it has complemented ongoing research projects and opened up new avenues of research at time when the department was encouraging independent study by juniors and seniors. The acquisition of the instrumentation is helping the department meet its goals of requiring independent research for all undergraduate chemistry majors, and reaccreditation by the American Chemical Society. The institution has contributed to the project in an amount equal to the NSF funds.