The project will integrate two new components into a preservice elementary and secondary teacher education program. The purpose of the integrated program is the development in preservice teachers of conceptions of teaching science consistent with recent research in science education. One new component is a conceptual change model for science teacher education; the other is and action research component to assist students to become teachers who are reflective about their practice particularly with respect to the use of conceptual change teaching strategies. The project will concentrate on students' teaching of biology. Twenty students in two cohorts (five elementary and five secondary in each cohort) will be interviewed and their teaching observed and, in some instances, video recorded throughout the program. This consists of a semester of methods and a school-based practicum followed by a semester of student teaching, with an action research seminar through both semesters. Science methods classes and action research seminars will be observed and the professors interviewed. Case studies of each student will document factors that influence their progress toward adoption of appropriate conceptions of science teaching. Eight students selected from the two cohorts ( for elementary and four secondary) will be followed into their first year of teaching to document what happens to their conceptions of the teaching of biology when confronted with the reality of schools. A further twenty students will, divided as before, will serve as a comparison group. They will be interviewed and have the same methods, practicum, and student teaching experiences, but not the action research seminar. Successful implementation of the components of the project will meet NSF's goals of strengthening science education for students in elementary and secondary schools by preparing science teachers who are autonomous, capable and reflective professionals. The cost sharing for this project is 20+% of the NSF costs.