Marquette University seeks funding for The Project for the Improvement of Mathematics Education (Prime): Mathematics Teacher Education Faculty Enhancement, a three-year plan to bring mathematics education in Wisconsin into alignment with the NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards and with the MAAguidelines, A Call for Change. To accomplish this goal, the PI, Professor proposes a two-phase project. The first phase involves the development of preservice mathematics education courses appropriate for the preparation of teachers at each of the certification levels: elementary, middle, and secondary school. The curriculum development will be a collaborative effort of teachers, mathematics and mathematics educators, including state supervisors. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WDPI) supports the projectand will be a part of all of its activities. WDPI will play a role in publishing and disseminating course syllabi in the state and will use them as a basis for program review in state certification requirements and guidelines for teacher preparation programs. This first phase of the project also includes two state conferences for the professional enhancement of the faculty, both in mathematics departments and colleges of education, at colleges and universities in the state who teach mathematics education. The second phase of the project is to establish a collaborative network of three centers in the state which will facilitate and sustain mathematics education reform at institutions that prepare teachers. Each regional center, located at a university, will serve a segment of the state and will coordinate and promote activities which involve faculty and preservice teachers as well as novice teachers. Project activities will also involve leaders in the Wisconsin Mathematics Council in collaboration with colleagues in other mathematics organizations such as the MAA. This project has potential for making a significant impact in the state and for serving as a model for other states. Furthermore, the project has the components to promote systemic changes and improvement in all aspects of mathematics teacher education in Wisconsin. The cost-sharing will amount to 17% of the NSF total cost.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE)
Standard Grant (Standard)
Application #
Program Officer
James H. Lightbourne
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
Marquette University
United States
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