The requested video equipment, lap-top computers, and software will improve the curriculum of the Department of Psychology. Last year the psychology department developed a computer laboratory facility that exposes introductory level students to quantitative methods used in psychological research. Building upon this foundation, the department will develop a comprehensive student research facility and incorporate student research projects into the majority of it's core courses. The research equipment requested in this proposal will allow undergraduate (both major and non-major) students to receive experience conducting psychological research. Each research project is based on a published study, and is designed to coincide with lecture material. The research projects will highlight important empirical methods used within the area of the core course. Because of the designs of these projects, many of which will be conducted in field settings, the equipment must be flexible, portable, and capable of capturing a range of complex human behaviors. For these reasons the department believes the requested video camera/editing system, lap-top computers and software is the most pedagogically effective means of meeting the department's needs.