The Mathematical Association of America seeks funding for a one year project which is aimed at investigating the state of teacher preparation with regard to minority populations. The project has three major facets: i. A study which will be conducted with data collected throughout the nation to inform the mathematics community about minorities going into the teaching of mathematics at the secondary level. ii. A working conference which will bring a small group of experts together to address different components of the problems and to present papers which feature model programs for minority preservice education. Papers will be revised after the conference, and submitted to MAA committees and to members of a select panel. iii. This Blue Ribbon panel of distinguished educators and leaders in various related areas will hold a conference, together with all other project participants, and will react to the papers and the results of the study. The end-product of the MAA effort will be a document which includes the study and the papers produced by the project participants. The document will be disseminated to the MAA membership. MAA cost sharing of approximately 3% of the requested amount is shown by their reduction of the indirect cost rate from 34% to 30%. The funds awarded to this project is the revised amount, $91,362.