Rapid expansion in the areas of Computer Animation, Scientific Visualization, and Computer Vision make it desirable that students have access to appropriate laboratory equipment so that they may practice the techniques they learn in the classroom and become familiar with the use of modern animation and vision instrumentation. This project involves acquisition of animation equipment and computer vision input devices that will update and expand the University's existing graphics laboratory. The Animation and Vision lab will allow two new courses to be taught, Animation Techniques and Scientific Visualization Methods. It will also provide a hands-on laboratory for the current Computer Vision course. The lab will be used for development of student assigned programs and animations in these courses as well as independent study and especially senior projects and master's theses. The lab will also be used by instructors to develop videotapes which demonstrate various animation, computer graphics, and scientific visualization concepts and algorithms. Course materials developed by instructors, in particular instructional videos which utilize the full spectrum of graphics techniques to aid students in understanding sophisticated concepts, will be shared with other CSU campuses and additional institutions as appropriate.